ecotio2® Photocatalyst and Catalyst Coatings are manufactured from market leading nano technology that has been applied to 1000’s of structures. With proven long term benefits to enhance the durability of the built environment will greatly reduce asset depreciation and maintenance costs.  Our products have been utilised within New Zealand, Australia and Asia on a wide variety of asset types. 0nce applied all ecotio2®  anti-microbial products are deemed non toxic to humans and animals by Japans SIAA. 

ecotio2® - anti microbial surface protection


surface coatings
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surface coatings
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mould prevention

surface coatings
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eliminate odours

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ecotio2® BDM Jon Wilson

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ecotio2®  anti-viral application

ecotio2® - breaking news SARS-CoV-2

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ecotio2® ultra AV

Covid 19 deactivation rate 

92% reduction in 10 minutes

96% reduction in 30 minutes

ecotio2® product range has been tested to many established local and global standards including;

  • ISO 22196- ‘Measurement of antibacterial activity on plastics and other non-porous surfaces’
  • ISO 21702- ‘Measurement of antiviral activity on plastics and other non-porous surfaces’
  • JIS Z 2801– ‘Antibacterial products- Test for antibacterial activity and efficacy’ (This procedure was adopted as an ISO procedure- ISO 22196                                  standard above)
  • JIS Z 2911– ‘Methods of test for fungus resistance’
  • JIS Z L1902 (ISO 20743)- ‘Testing for antibacterial activity and efficacy on textile products’

ecotio2® - revolutionary coating technology

The use of a catalyst to accelerate a reaction that involves absorption of light. A catalyst is a substance that accelerates a reaction and is regenerated at the end so it can repeat the process. This class of catalyst accelerates a chemical reaction involving the absorption of light.

ecotio2® Photocatalyst Coatings, applied to various surfaces, are a particularly strong UV light absorber. This nano titanium dioxide coating absorbs light energy to the point where it attracts atmospheric water vapour and oxygen to the coated surface. This energizes the coating effecting a reaction at its surface that splits water molecules resulting in oxidizing species (known as active oxygen species). These perform in the manner of a very strong but harmless bleach.

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SIAA intoductory video
building health
air purification
black mould
self cleaning
graffiti resistance
UV resistance
anti carbonation